A new episode of Terminals Talk is out now featuring Mark Waddington discussing how shifts in global trade are affecting the UK and Europe storage sectors!
Mark Waddington recently chaired the '4th Annual Biofuels Forum' in Berlin, Germany organised by InventU.
Topics covered included:
Storage Terminals Magazine includes Channoil’s CEO, Mark Waddington amongst the top 100 Tank Storage Influencers 2023.
This prestigious list includes influential decision makers from leading terminal companies and consultancy firms.
(March 2023)
Channoil Energy is sad to report that our CEO Dermot Campbell passed away peacefully on 15 March 2023, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. He will be sorely missed. Dermot had been with the company for 12 years and was instrumental in opening up Africa to the company.
We send our deepest condolences to his family.
Mark Waddington will take over as CEO with immediate effect.
(March 2023)
'What to look for in the Storage Sector in 2023'
Mark Waddington spoke at StockExpo in Rotterdam. His talk included the following issues:
(September 2022)
'Options for the Storage Industry - post 2050 review'
An article written by Charles Daly exploring future options for the oil storage sector as it looks ahead to 2050 and beyond.
Based on the current theory, that the life of the fossil fuel industry is less than 30 years or so, to take us beyond the current 2050 target for eliminating fossil fuels from the world, then we must look at what potential alternative uses these large areas of primarily waterfront locations can be turned to.
The current thinking is that about a third of storage terminals that are currently employed storing chemicals will continue in use. Those storing vegetable extracted oils will also continue in use but may be under capacity pressure.
The autumn edition of TSA Insight magazine (Issue 11) published Charles' article, which can be read and downloaded here: https://tankstorage.org.uk/media-centre/insight-magazine/
It has also been included as a special insert in the September edition of HCB magazine.
(March 2022)
'The tragedy in the Ukraine'
An article written by Charles Daly
History of the Soviet Pipelines
To understand the energy dynamics of today’s war in Ukraine, it is necessary to visit the history of the pipeline systems that were built during the Soviet period and within the Warsaw Pact countries.
Firstly, most of the production of oil and gas is in Russia and very little in the other FSU countries and most of that oil production lies West of the Ural Mountains. Pipelines were built to take the crude oil to refineries in the other Warsaw pact countries. These pipelines were named Friendship (Druzhba) pipelines.
Channoil's Mark Waddington looks at the energy transition, demand developments and their impact on the storage sector in Europe.
The world is on a pathway to the most significant energy transition since the emergence of fossil fuels as a major global energy source. The evidence for climate change is no longer under serious dispute, the major question now, is how quickly the mitigating actions need to take place.
There will be a repositioning in the tank storage sector and there will be localised casualties. Increasingly, investment is going to be driven by the requirements to be sustainable and green.
See the full article published in Tank Storage Magazine's Feb/March 2022 issue.
Energy transition, carbon footprint, alternative fuels, renewable energy, mobility/transportation solutions
Our new Net-Zero-Solution division has focussed initially on key areas:
Biofuels - with projects completed for an ethanol plant investment, a renewable market entry study, a global renewable diesel study and a market study to support a potential investment in incremental ethanol storage capacity.
LPG - as a transitional fuel in the developing world with major carbon, health and environmental benefits over charcoal and wood. This will be fundamental given the COP26 drive on reversing deforestation by 2030 and over 1 billion people world-wide still cooking on wood or charcoal.
Recent projects include a market study for an African LPG terminal expansion, a commercial market entry into a Caribbean country, input into the 2021 Kenya masterplan mapping out the steps required to increase LPG threefold over the next 20 years, LPG and Autogas country pricing policy study and a commercial market study for refrigerated LPG terminal in a northern European country.
Major Oil Refiner. The major oil company suffered part damage and disruption of its supply logistics from two cargoes of crude oil which arrived with a high concentration of organic chlorides.
Channoil was asked to carry out a study of the damage caused and the financial costs associated with the shutdown of the particular units and the consequences arising therefrom.
We were able to bring a pragmatic, knowledge based, analysis to bear on the cases that were subsequently amicably settled by the supplier giving a sizeable discount to the value of the cargoes.
Breach of contract – non delivery of petroleum supplies. There have been a number of cases of breach of contact during the Covid-19 pandemic. The reasons are manifest, but most relate to disincentives due to price volatility.
Biofuels – We have also been able to advise clients in cases where oil seeds were the main cargo in a breach of contract case. However, the seeds were destined to be crushed to manufacture bio diesel. We were able to advise clients of process and procedure in filing a claim under the FOFSA contract terms and to finding lawyers to act for them. The cases we advised on were settled without recourse to Arbitration, to both party’s satisfaction.
A Taxation Authority needed advice as to how to set a formula for rebating liquids returned from Vapour Recovery Units (VRU) and returned to stock, having already paid excise. We were able to benchmark best practise and derive a formula that would work for both the revenue and the oil companies affected.
Dec 2021
See the winter edition of Tank Storage Association (TSA) Insight magazine for an article by Charles Daly and Martyn Lyons on 'Oil Terminals in transition as net zero approaches'.
'Campaigns, initiatives and much lobbying and political debate continue to gather pace regarding energy transition, decarbonisation and reductions in greenhouse emissions'...
Above: Vincent Couffon addresses President Danilo Medina and Government Ministers Photo credit: Presidencia
Channoil’s Vincent Couffon and Mark Waddington are part of a team advising President Danilo Medina and Ministers from the Dominican Republic Government. The Government has commissioned a diagnostic study on the pricing of fuels. Vincent and Mark were in Santo Domingo in January for a strategy meeting in the President’s office. Further details appear in this article printed in the Diario Libre newspaper on 22 January
By Charles Daly
Read our Chairman's latest blog here
The IEA World Outlook 2023 (Jan 2024) (pdf)
DownloadPresented by Mark Waddington at StockExpo Rotterdam - March 2023
What to look out for in the storage sector in 2023 - Channoil (pdf)
DownloadAn article by Charles Daly - June 2022
Based on the current theory, that the life of the fossil fuel industry is less than 30 years or so, to take us beyond the current 2050 target for eliminating fossil fuels from the world, then we must look at what potential alternative uses these large areas of primarily waterfront locations can be turned to.
The current thinking is that about a third of storage terminals that are currently employed storing chemicals will continue in use. Those storing vegetable extracted oils will also continue in use but may be under capacity pressure.
The autumn 2022 edition of TSA Insight magazine (Issue 11) published Charles' article, which can be read and downloaded here: https://tankstorage.org.uk/media-centre/insight-magazine/
It has also been included as a special insert in the September edition of HCB magazine.
Options for the Storage Industry post 2050 review (pdf)
DownloadMark Waddington looks at the energy transition, demand developments and their impact on the storage sector in Europe.
The world is on a pathway to the most significant energy transition since the emergence of fossil fuels as a major global energy source. The evidence for climate change is no longer under serious dispute, the major question now, is how quickly the mitigating actions need to take place.
There will be a repositioning in the tank storage sector and there will be localised casualties. Increasingly, investment is going to be driven by the requirements to be sustainable and green. See the full article published in Tank Storage Magazine's Feb/March 2022 issue.
Energy transition, demand developments & their impact on the storage sector in Europe (pdf)
DownloadAn article by Charles Daly (March 2022)
To understand the energy dynamics of today’s war in Ukraine, it is necessary to visit the history of the pipeline systems that were built during the Soviet period and within the Warsaw Pact countries.
The tragedy in the Ukraine by Charles Daly - Mar 2022 (pdf)
DownloadAn article by Charles Daly and Martyn Lyons (Nov 2021)
Campaigns, initiatives and much lobbying and political debate continues to gather pace regarding energy transition, decarbonisation and reductions in greenhouse emissions. This is here to stay and oil storage terminals have to actively consider their future strategy as the decline in fossil fuels accelerates in the coming years.
Oil Terminals in Transition as Net Zero approaches by Channoil Energy (pdf)
DownloadAn article by Charles Daly (Nov 2021)
As I write on 5th November 2021 we see the start of the COP-26. This is the United Nations conference of participants in the great debate facing our planet in Glasgow, Scotland.
Is global warming a reality and is the target of 1.50C rise to the planet’s average temperature likely to be achieved by 2050?
A lot of expectations have been raised about the outcome of this conference. However, the fact that the atmosphere does not recognise borders means that without full global participation there is no likelihood of this temperature goal being achieved.
Read full article here:
COP-26 and its results expectations and myths - Charles Daly (pdf)
DownloadBiofuels Magazine published an article by Mark Waddington exploring the various biofuel alternatives on the market to meet increasing green fuel demand.
Feedstock Matrix by Mark Waddington - Biofuels Magazie - Sep 2021 (pdf)
DownloadWhy the short term for marine fuels will be 'lower carbon' not 'decarbonisation'.
The world is under increasing pressure to decarbonise. Historically, the shipping sector has been somewhat exempt from external pressure to improve emissions, but this is changing fast. Channoil Consulting, in association with Gibsons’ Shipbrokers, have investigated the context of decarbonisation in the maritime sector, taken a reality check on the fuelling options and likely short-term solutions, and examined fuel economics for the likely short-term options.
The IMO 2050 agenda - Channoil Consulting Ltd - Dec 2020 (pdf)
DownloadA look at the oil and gas markets and the future for renewable energy
Experts in the field of fossil fuels, Channoil has for many years been advising companies and governments all over the world on the economic use of these fuels. Until recently, our consultancy service has mainly been in the fields of refining, storing, handling, marketing and pricing. However, as the world proceeds towards a zero-carbon economy, the future for the downstream oil industry is changing and we are repositioning ourselves as providers of advice on a holistic energy model. This paper outlines our thinking and approach.
Renewable-Energy- (pdf)
Download“I always told myself never forecast anything beyond two years, as you never know what ‘crocodile’ is around the corner …” begins a new opinion piece from Charles Daly. After more than 50 years in the industry, Charles turns his expert opinion to what’s going on in the downstream oil industry.
The-Oil-Patch-post-Covid-19 (pdf)
DownloadOpening the conversation in this important industry webinar, Charles Daly discussed ‘The oil industry post Covid-19’ and how the plummeting oil price has impacted the global storage market. Participants from all over the world gained insight into storage challenges thrown up by the Covid-19 pandemic. An extended Q&A session moderated by Patrick Kulsen, Managing Director of Global Insight, followed the presentations. The full programme included:
‘The oil industry post COVID-19’ by Charles Daly, Chairman, Channoil Consulting
‘Floating storage and changes to trade flows’ by Jay Maroo, Senior Market Analyst, Vortexa
‘Investing in oil storage post COVID-19 and in the age of decarbonisation’ by Martin Krastev, Executive Director, DC Advisory.
For a copy of Daly’s presentation click here:
Post-Covid-19-in-Downstream-oil-Charles-Daly-18-June-2020 (pdf)
DownloadChannoil 's Expert Witness Capability Statement:
Channoil Energy - Expert Witness Capability Statement 2025 (pdf)